Problem 1

  • Two airplanes are in a race, your job is to make a plane name list, append the name value to the participents then make a variable that pulls the distance covered for each plane. in the end, in the curly brackets print the name of the plane, add more variables with curly brackets.
# Define a list of airplane race participants
participants = [
    {"name": "Billium Bang", "plane": "Red Rocket", "distance_covered": 1200},
    {"name": "Bushawn Bal", "plane": "The Biggest Bird", "distance_covered": 1500}

# Calculate the total distance covered by each pilot during the race
for participant in participants:
    distance = participant["distance_covered"]
    print(f"{participant['name']} covered a distance of {distance} miles")

# Determine the winner
winner = max(participants, key=lambda x: x["distance_covered"])
print(f"The winner of the airplane race is {winner['name']} in the '{winner['plane']}' with a distance of {winner['distance_covered']} miles!")

Billium Bang covered a distance of 1200 miles
Bushawn Bal covered a distance of 1500 miles
The winner of the airplane race is Bushawn Bal in the 'The Biggest Bird' with a distance of 1500 miles!

Problem 2

  • Add more participants , in the loop, add a tricks variable that gets data from participants list score = tricks * 10 # Each trick is worth 10 points add a score and add it to a score in the list ex list[score] = score
# Define a list of dog show participants
participants = [
    {"name": "Fido", "breed": "Golden Retriever", "tricks": 4},
    {"name": "Rex", "breed": "Border Collie", "tricks": 6},
    {"name": "Buddy", "breed": "Labrador Retriever", "tricks": 5}
    # Add more dog participants here

# Calculate the scores for each dog based on the number of tricks they can perform
for participant in participants:
    tricks = participant["tricks"]  # Get the number of tricks for each dog
    score = tricks * 10  # Each trick is worth 10 points
    participant["score"] = score  # Add the score to the participant dictionary

# Determine the winning dog
winner = max(participants, key=lambda x: x["score"])

# Display the dog show results
print("Dog Show Results:")
for participant in participants:
    print(f"{participant['name']} the {participant['breed']} scored {participant['score']} points!")

print(f"The winner of the dog show is {winner['name']} with {winner['score']} points!")

Dog Show Results:
Fido the Golden Retriever scored 40 points!
Rex the Border Collie scored 60 points!
Buddy the Labrador Retriever scored 50 points!
The winner of the dog show is Rex with 60 points!

this problem, were making a bank account, you just have to know what to do to add all of the functions to change the variables

class BankAccount:
    def __init__(self, account_holder, balance=0):
        self.account_holder = account_holder
        self.balance = balance

    def deposit(self, amount):
        if amount > 0:
            self.balance += amount  # Increase the balance by the deposit amount
            print(f"Deposited ${amount}. New balance: ${self.balance}")
            print("Invalid deposit amount.")

    def withdraw(self, amount):
        if 0 < amount <= self.balance:
            self.balance -= amount  # Decrease the balance by the withdrawal amount
            print(f"Withdrew ${amount}. New balance: ${self.balance}")
            print("Insufficient funds for withdrawal.")

    def get_balance(self):
        return self.balance

    def __str__(self):
        return f"Account holder: {self.account_holder}, Balance: ${self.balance}"

# Create two bank accounts: Alex with $1000 initially and Noah with $5 initially
alexAccount = BankAccount("Alex", 1000)
noahAccount = BankAccount("Noah", 5)

# Perform some transactions
alexAccount.withdraw(alexAccount.get_balance())  # Withdraw all money from Alex
noahAccount.deposit(alexAccount.get_balance())  # Deposit Alex's money into Noah's account
noahAccount.withdraw(noahAccount.get_balance())  # Noah goes on a spending spree and withdraws all of his money

# Display account information
print("Alex Account:", alexAccount)
print("Noah Account:", noahAccount)

Withdrew $1000. New balance: $0
Invalid deposit amount.
Withdrew $5. New balance: $0
Alex Account: Account holder: Alex, Balance: $0
Noah Account: Account holder: Noah, Balance: $0

add more regions

import random

# Define a list of regions, each represented as a dictionary
regions = [
        "name": "Region A",
        "GDP_growth": random.uniform(0.5, 3.0),  # Random GDP growth rate between 0.5% and 3.0%
        "unemployment_rate": random.uniform(3.0, 10.0),  # Random unemployment rate between 3.0% and 10.0%
        "investment_score": random.uniform(50, 100),  # Random investment score between 50 and 100
        "education_index": random.uniform(0.5, 1.0),  # Random education index between 0.5 and 1.0
        "infrastructure_quality": random.uniform(3.0, 8.0)  # Random infrastructure quality between 3.0 and 8.0 (scale of 1-10)
    # Define more regions

# Define weights for each economic indicator
weights = {
    "GDP_growth": 0.4,
    "unemployment_rate": -0.2,
    "investment_score": 0.3,
    "education_index": 0.1,
    "infrastructure_quality": 0.2

# Function to calculate a score for each region based on economic indicators and weights
def calculate_score(region):
    score = 0
    for indicator, weight in weights.items():
        score += region[indicator] * weight
    return score

# Find the region with the highest economic growth potential
best_region = max(regions, key=calculate_score)

# Display information about the winning region
print(f"The region with the highest economic growth potential is {best_region['name']}:")
print(f"- GDP Growth Rate: {best_region['GDP_growth']:.2f}%")
print(f"- Unemployment Rate: {best_region['unemployment_rate']:.2f}%")
print(f"- Investment Score: {best_region['investment_score']:.2f}")
print(f"- Education Index: {best_region['education_index']:.2f}")
print(f"- Infrastructure Quality: {best_region['infrastructure_quality']:.2f}")

problem final

  • make an empty list and dictionary
  • add data in all of the given simple loops, so that this problem runs its print functions without error
  • this one is hard, try very hard, a heartfelt atempt, like all of the code done with minor issues is still full credit

try to understand this problem, it has lots of data abstractions

data is given on the bottem and a function is calling it IMPORTANT!!!

def simulate_data_structure(data):
    # Dictionary to store city data, initially empty
    city_data = {}
    # List to store city statistics, initially empty
    city_stats = []

    for person in data:
        name = person["name"]
        age = person["age"]
        city = person["city"]

        # 1. Create a dictionary of city data
        if city not in city_data:
            city_data[city] = {"names": [], "total_age": 0, "total_people": 0}

        # Add the name to the city's list

        # Add the age to the city's total age
        city_data[city]["total_age"] += age

        # Increment the total people count
        city_data[city]["total_people"] += 1

    for city, city_info in city_data.items():
        # 2. Calculate the average age for each city
        average_age = city_info["total_age"] / city_info["total_people"]
        city_info["average_age"] = round(average_age, 2)  # Round to 2 decimal places

        # 3. Create a dictionary for city statistics
        city_stats.append({"City": city, "Average Age": city_info["average_age"]})

    # Add the city statistics under the "Statistics" key
    city_data["Statistics"] = city_stats

    return city_data

# Example data
data = [
    {"name": "Alice", "age": 25, "city": "New York"},
    {"name": "Bob", "age": 30, "city": "Los Angeles"},
    {"name": "Charlie", "age": 22, "city": "New York"},
    {"name": "David", "age": 35, "city": "Los Angeles"},
    {"name": "Eve", "age": 28, "city": "Chicago"},

result = simulate_data_structure(data)

{'New York': {'names': ['Alice', 'Charlie'], 'total_age': 47, 'total_people': 2, 'average_age': 23.5}, 'Los Angeles': {'names': ['Bob', 'David'], 'total_age': 65, 'total_people': 2, 'average_age': 32.5}, 'Chicago': {'names': ['Eve'], 'total_age': 28, 'total_people': 1, 'average_age': 28.0}, 'Statistics': [{'City': 'New York', 'Average Age': 23.5}, {'City': 'Los Angeles', 'Average Age': 32.5}, {'City': 'Chicago', 'Average Age': 28.0}]}
ingredients = ["butter", "white sugar", "light brown sugar", "vanilla extract", "eggs", "flour", "chocolate chips", "baking soda", "salt", "baking powder"]
# Print this list

# << CODE >>

# Create a list called bowl
# Your list must include:
# "flour"
# "baking soda"
# "salt"
# "baking powder"
# When creating this list, make sure to remove these items from the "ingredients" list!
# Print your list

# << CODE >>

# Create a list called cream
# Include:
# "butter"
# "white sugar"
# "light brown sugar"
# "vanilla extract"
# "eggs"
# When creating this list, make sure to remove these items from the "ingredients" list!
# Print your list

# << CODE >>

# Create a list called "dough"
# Combine the bowl list and cream list together
# Print your list

# << CODE >>

# Append chocolate chips to the dough list and remove it from the ingredients list
# Print the list

# << CODE >>

# Create a string that says "Now roll the dough into balls and place them on cookie sheets!"
# Print it

# << CODE >>

# Create an int called temperature and set it to 375
# Print "Place in a <<your integer goes here>> F oven for 8-10 minutes and remove just before they start to turn brown."

# << CODE >>

# Create an int called "cool down" using pascal case and set it to 2
# Print "Let them sit on the baking pan for <<your integer goes here>> minutes before removing to cooling rack."

# << CODE >>

# Create 5 string (use whatever casing you feel)
# First string should be "Enjoy"
# Second string should be "your"
# Third string should be "CHOCOLATE"
# Fourth string should be "CHIP"
# Fifth string should be "COOKIES!!!"
# Using ONE print statement, print ALL of these variables (with a space between each)

# << CODE >>

# can your do the whole project by using a JSON list?
# can you convert it to a python dictionary and do all these steps?

# Yes this is a real cookie recipe. You can find it below if you wanna make them! :)