
  • Q5: The OR gate will produce true, while the AND gate will produce false, meaning the output will be false
  • Q11: Ivory
  • Q16: Index should be decremented after each element is checked instead of only an occurrence of “the” or “a”
  • Q23: The flowchart requires both conditions to be true, my answer was only set to true whenever weekday is true and miles is at least 20
  • Q29: Removing file’s metadata doesn’t allow for reconstruction of original data
  • Q39: The loop will terminate when i is 10, doesn’t fix the problem
  • Q49: Using 6 bits will only allow up to 64 employees
  • Q52: Statement 2 is false, statement 1 is true because the loop terminates when hours is at least 24 or current Pop is at most 0
  • Q59: Open-source software allows developers to customize source code
  • Q64: the procedure adds 2 to result 5 times, intended to produce 10
  • Q67: count is increase to 1 when “oak” is last element on the list