Before the quiz

  • Before taking the college board quiz, I reviewed all of the python lessons in the student teaching, as well as reviewing some college board videos.

During the quiz

  • When taking the quiz, there were a lot of topics that I was not familiar with or struggled with, so when these topics popped up, I used google or ChatGPT to learn about what those things were to get a better understanding of it. After that, I made my best guess with my new learned knowledge.

After the quiz (corrections)

  • Score: 43/66
  • Q5 : Double if statements
  • Q12 : 31.2
  • Q15 : Both programs display the same number of values, but the values are different
  • Q23 : Network B
  • Q24 : Byte pair encoding is an example of a lossless transformation because an encoded string can be restored to its original version.
  • Q25 : “LEVEL_UP”
  • Q29 : A = true, B = false, C = false, D = false
  • Q30 : 5 hours
  • Q31 : Both programs move the robot to the gray square
  • Q33 : include <- (floor > 10) or (bedrooms = 3)
  • Q34 : the number of predators does not change day to day
  • Q35 : Using published samples with no rights reserved Creative Common license
  • Q37 : Both code segments display the correct average, but code segment I requires more arithmetic operations than code segment II.
  • Q38 : if (count MOD 10 = 0), cost <- 0
  • Q43 : The alogrithms run in reasonable time
  • Q45 : NOT (P AND Q)
  • Q48 : RANDOM(1, 100) <= 75
  • Q52 : 2 and 3
  • Q55 : The procedure returns false no matter what the input is
  • Q57 : Substring(“Puppy”, 3, 3)
  • Q60 : Replacing each instance of repeated code with a call to a procedure, replacing name1, name2, name3, name4 with a string names
  • Q65 : x is positive and y is negative, both x and y are negative
  • Q66 : (30, 40, 20, 10), (40, 30, 20, 10)